tCurl methods

constructor Create ( aOwner: tComponent );

Creates a new instance of tCurl, and initializes a new CURL session and related data structures.

To create an instance of tCurl without a parent object, use  tCurl.Create(nil)

Note to Free Pascal users:
The curlobj.pas unit defines a lightweight "psuedo-component" class without all the bells-and-whistles of a "real" TComponent.
This can greatly reduce the size and overhead of programs which don't require things like the SysUtils unit and the Lazarus LCL.
If you want a true TComponent version of tCurl for FreePascal, specify the lazcurl.pas unit instead,
it provides a Lazarus-compatible component with the same functionality as curlobj.pas .
destructor Destroy;

Frees all memory allocated to tCurl and its related data structures, and cleans up after the CURL session.
function Perform : boolean;

Tells tCurl to begin the transfer.
Returns TRUE upon successful completion of the transfer, or FALSE if the transfer failed.
To find the cause of a failure, you can check values returned in tCurl.ResultCode or tCurl.ErrorString.
Note that at the very least, the tCurl.URL property MUST be set before calling tCurl.Perform
procedure Clear;

Resets the properties of a tCurl instance to their initial values.
This does not reset the cookie list, nor some internal variables such as the Session ID cache, the DNS cache, cookies and shares.
procedure ListCookies;

Reads through the CookieList, invoking your OnListCookies event handler on each cookie.
See OnListCookies and CookieList for more information.
class function Escape ( const S: string ) : string;

This function converts the given input string to an URL-encoded string and returns the new string.
All input characters that are not in the set of  [a..z,A..Z,0..9]  will be converted
to their "URL-escaped" version %NN where NN is a two-digit hexadecimal number.
class function Unescape ( const S: string ) : string;

This function converts the given URL-encoded input string to a "plain string" and returns the new string.
All input characters that are URL encoded (%NN where NN is a two-digit hexadecimal number)
will be converted to their "plain-text" versions.

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