program testtxcb; (* Program to test the ReadFunction callback *) {$INCLUDE} uses curlobj, sysutils; (* The "stream" parameter of tCurl.ReadFunction can be a pointer to whatever you want - pChar, tStringList, tFileStream, the handle of fdOpen or fOpen, etc. I am using a Pascal file handle just for an example... *) type tCharFile = file of char; pCharFile = ^tCharFile; function MyReadFunc(DataOut: pChar; ItemSize, ItemCount:LongWord; UserData:pointer):LongWord; cdecl; var I, N:LongInt; C:char; F:pCharFile; begin F:=UserData; N:=( ItemSize * ItemCount ); I:=0; while ( I < N ) and not EOF(F^) do begin Read(F^, C); pChar(DataOut)[I]:=C; inc(I); end; if (I > 0) then WriteLn('Sending -> ', I, ' bytes') else WriteLn('Sending -> EOF'); Result:=I; end; (* Here I am using the HeaderFunc to trap the server's response codes... *) function MyHeaderFunc( hdr: pChar; ItemSize, ItemCount:LongWord; UserData:pointer ):LongWord; cdecl; var code, err:LongInt; begin code:=0; Result:= ( ItemSize * ItemCount ); if ( Result > 6 ) then begin val(copy(hdr, 1, 3), code, err); // If first 3 chars are digits... if ( err = 0 ) then LongInt(UserData^):=code; // We have a response code end; WriteLn(code); end; var MyCurl:tCurl; MyLocalFile:tCharFile; MyFtpCode:LongInt; begin if ( ParamCount = 2 ) then begin if not FileIsReadable(ParamStr(1)) then begin WriteLn('Error reading local file: "', ParamStr(1), '"'); HALT(1); end; MyCurl:=tCurl.Create(nil); with MyCurl do begin Upload:=True; URL:=ParamStr(2) + '/' + ExtractFileName(ParamStr(1)); AssignFile(MyLocalFile, ParamStr(1)); Reset(MyLocalFile); InputStream:=@MyLocalFile; // This will be passed to the ReadFunction ReadFunction:=@MyReadFunc; MyFtpCode:=0; HeaderStream:=@MyFtpCode; // This will be passed to the HeaderFunction HeaderFunction:=@MyHeaderFunc; Perform; WriteLn(ErrorString); WriteLn('Final response code: ', MyFtpCode); Free; end; CloseFile(MyLocalFile); end else begin WriteLn('FTP file upload test program.'); WriteLn('usage: testtxcb <local-file> <remote-url>'); end; end.