program testsave; (* Program to test downloading to disk *) {$INCLUDE} uses curlobj; var MyCurl:tCurl; const TMP_FILE='testget.tmp'; HDR_FILE='headers.txt'; ERR_FILE='errors.txt'; function Progress( ptr:pointer; dltotal, dlnow, ultotal, ulnow:double ): longint; cdecl; begin Write('Received: ', dlnow:16:0, #32, dltotal:16:0, #13); Result:=0; end; begin if ( ParamCount = 1 ) then begin MyCurl:=tCurl.Create(nil); with MyCurl do begin URL:=ParamStr(1); OutputFile:=TMP_FILE; HeaderFile:=HDR_FILE; ErrorFile:=ERR_FILE; NoProgress:=False; ProgressFunction:=@Progress; ProgressData:=nil; Verbose:=True; FollowLocation:=True; if not Perform then WriteLn(ErrorString); Free; end; end else begin { usage... } WriteLn; WriteLn('Download a file ...'); WriteLn(' File will be saved to disk as "', TMP_FILE, '"'); WriteLn(' Response headers are saved in "', HDR_FILE, '"'); WriteLn(' Error messages are saved in "', ERR_FILE, '"'); WriteLn; WriteLn('Usage: testsave <remote-url>'); WriteLn; end; end.